This project was based on a ten-day masterclass about Expanded Animation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The master class included seminars from leading artists and university professors in animation, virtual reality, augmented reality, and expanded animation. At the end of the course, each participant worked on a personal project.

For the final project, I aimed to work on multi-directional concepts in 360-degree representations.

I considered a cylinder with a total of 330 degrees that would be used for design as an initial design for the project. So for every thirty degrees, one panel was considered for the design. However, the initial design was changed throughout the process of the project.

GLOBE PLAYHOUSE Masterclass Project

Throughout the masterclass, I used one of the most frequently referenced metaphors in Persian verse that refers to the concept of directions beyond the usual 4-directions: the north, the south, the east, and the west.

The concept of six directions has a special place in the poems of Rumi, a Persian poet and philosopher. In such a way that in some interpretations, the 4-main directions, along with up and down, are mentioned as if a man is surrounded by a cube. Therefore, I decided to base the central narrative of my project on representing one of Rumi’s poems that deals with the concept of six directions.

All poems by Rumi from the Divan of Shams
From the book,
Rumi: Alchemy of Transformation
by Rassouli

Original translations of all verses by Rassouli
and poetic renderings
by Rassouli and Naomi

Consequently, in order to represent this 360-degree environment, I tried to explore the illusion of space on the surface, instead of using multiple pieces to represent a flat piece, but in line with the previous attempt to create the illusion of movement.

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